I have been a client and participant in the Palmer Drug Abuse Program since 2007. Parent Group has been life-changing and transformative for myself and my family. I first went at the suggestion of a friend who realized my children were in a dangerous situation as the mental health of my husband deteriorated. Attending this 12-step focused support group took courage, but I realize now this is one of the best decisions I have ever made.
Although PDAP’s mission is to help people with drug addictions and their family members, people with mental health struggles often have similar behavior issues as those with addictions that adversely affect their families in similar ways. I felt welcomed and quickly felt at home. For the first time, I didn’t feel alone with my struggles, and I was able to share my troubles and feelings in a safe place. This alone was immensely healing. That was just the icing on the cake, though. The meeting topics each week gave me new tools to use in daily life, such as setting boundaries, not trying to control others, choosing happiness over insistence on being right, fully relying on God. Amongst many others. Hearing others struggles and victories with similar life problems was an inspiration to me to begin making different decisions in my situation. These have all been transformative in my life. I chose to divorce and raise my children alone. My career flourished. I found a marvelous man that was supportive of me and my children. Best of all, my life is now peaceful and joyful. I no longer live in fear and chaos. I am more assertive and expect respect from others. I am eternally grateful to PDAP and its impact on our lives.
-Jill, Parent Group Member for 13 years.